Monday, April 25, 2016

Mr. Bai Fang Li ; The Generous


Roaming the internet, searching for something to read, I found this. I was so engrossed about this person that I immediately wanted to write about him ; so that more people know about him and his virtue and so more people will get inspired. I almost memorized the fact about him that I began writing without looking at the websites pages.

His name is Bai Fang Li. In 1986, at the age of 74, he wanted to retired from his job as a rickshaw driver and went back to his hometown in Hebei Province, China.

Per arrived, he saw many children working in the field. Apparently, the children had to drop out from school because they are too poor and can't afford tuition fees. As an illiterate person himself, he feel obligated to ensure younger generation getting the rightly education they needed. He decided to resume his job as the rickshaw driver in Tianjin City so that he can make sure those children can get their education continued.

Although receiving objection from his wife and only daughter who wanted him to live a peaceful retirement age, he donated all his saving at the moment, 5000 Yuan which equals to RM3000.

Over the span of 16 years, he worked almost 24 hours everyday, and manage to sum his contribution up to 350,000 Yuan = RM210,000. In 2001 at the age of 90, when he was too old to work, he then retired. When asked what he expected from all the children he supported, he replied, “I only want them to study hard, get a good job, be a good person and to give back to the country.”

In May 2005, Bai was sent to the hospital and was found to have terminal lung cancer. He died at the age of 93 in the same year. Hundreds come to his funeral to pay their respect.


I found myself choked with a lump in my throat. What a great person! Cepat2 soal diri, kita macam mana?
1.Be a better person
2.Sedeqah lah sebanyak mungkin
3.Live life to contribute others

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